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Our Strategy

Through BPSS opportunities, we aim to enable young people in Barnet schools to become confident, physically competent, emotionally resilient and empathetic citizens who can independently and successfully make sustainable healthy lifestyle choices and pursue personalised sporting and physically active pathways.

We work in partnership to:

  1. Increase participation in high quality sport and physical activity FOR ALL
  2. Work and communicate effectively with schools to meet need and fulfil expectations related to participation in sport and physical activity, widening access to sport and physical activity among low participation groups
  3. Support the development of progression pathways to ensure individuals reach their full potential
  4. Provide support and advice to maximise opportunities for Barnet Schools through the Government’s agenda for school sport and competition (School Games)

Our work is structured into Strategic Themes. Although they are clear stand-alone themes – they all interlink and work in unison to provide the Core Services for our BPSS member schools. These themes provide headline targets for BPSS:


To work with schools effectively to develop engagement, participation, health and physical literacy programmes and clubs as an opportunity to address those that are least active and encourage them to progress.

Competition for all:

To provide a centralised structure for Borough competitions, festivals and leagues by enhancing the Government’s agenda across the whole of Barnet for school sport and competition; enabling ALL young people to achieve their personal best.


To manage and coordinate leadership, volunteering and CPD opportunities for leaders, teachers and volunteers. Enhance young people with employability skills and character development through leadership and apprenticeship programmes.

Sustain and Grow:

To build a sustainable Partnership by influencing, advocating, developing and implementing the policy of partners and providers and attracting funding and resources to deliver the priorities to enable growth.

Community Pathways:

To work with the network of community providers within Barnet, providing sustainable outposts for new and continued participation, bridging the gap between school and community sport and physical activity. Projects aim to attract new audiences and cater for young people that are currently not involved in sport outside of the curriculum.

Our Core Services can be found on the next section down.