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Core Services & Policies

Our Core Services & Buy In Agreement

BPSS Core Services:

One Stop Shop of Advice, Communication, and Resources

  • Whole school PESSPA planning advice
  • Funding application support & advice
  • Subject Leader CPD sessions termly - support and training on National Curriculum implementation and meeting Ofsted requirements
  • Sports Specific CPD, MultiSkill and Games delivery advice and activity packs
  • Access to BPSS website providing bank of online resources / club contacts / up to date news
  • National Schools Active Movement providing you with up-to-date emails / newsletter / tweets / advice / guidance
  • Barnet Partnership School Sport Awards Evening (when restrictions allow)
  • BPSS KS1 Games Mark
  • National Games Mark application support
  • Monthly Newsletters - Community, Inclusion, Primary & Secondary Specific

Data Analysis & Support

  • Survey provision & data analysis on PESSPA for whole school planning. When available we will provide you with your data against borough, regional and national data to use in your planning
  • Use of Koboca System – your school will have access to a new online network which can provide you with student surveys, competitions and leagues.
  • Support schools to effectively plan and allocate funding appropriately under PE & Sport Premium

Competitions, Festivals & Leagues

  • Coordination of inter and intraschool targeted sports events – offering opportunities covering:
    • Interschool competition Gifted & Talented Events
    • Interschool competition Development Events
    • Interschool Participation Festivals
    • Leagues & Cup Competitions
    • Intraschool festival support
  • Entry to Barnet Dance Festival
  • Inclusion / Disability Specific Events
    • Barnet Bar No One - 4 calendar events
    • Panathlon (Primary multi sports events, ten pin bowling, football, tennis, Secondary Xtend)
    • Boccia
    • New Age Kurling
    • Seated Volleyball
  • Pathways to London School Games and other sub regional / regional finals
  • Sport specific training for teachers linked to competitions / events
  • Virtual & Personal Best Challenges

Management of Leadership and Volunteering

  • Leadership structured projects for KS1–5
  • PE and School Sport Apprentice Programme – recruit, deploy and mentor Apprentice workforce.
  • Volunteering & Leadership opportunities at BPSS Events
  • National Governing Body recognised qualifications for event host secondary students
  • Bronze Ambassador projects
  • This Girl Can Project Group
  • Platinum & Gold Leadership projects
  • Girls FA GOOO:Leader programme
  • Development of School Games Committee / School Council
  • Provision of surveys for pupil voice
  • Playground Leadership development tool Activity Trackers
  • Cultural theme positions at all virtual or contact events with Mini Reporters and Photographers
  • Leadership Officiating resources
  • Online leadership resources and packs

Targeted Engagement Programmes

  • Working with partners within Health & Wellbeing including healthy schools, resilient schools, GLL & Healthy Weight Teams.
  • Support projects and targeted interventions for DPA, individualised for each school.
  • Transition support projects – KS1–2 & KS3-4
  • Management of Sport England Teacher Training Projects
  • Mayors Golden Kilometre / Daily Mile Challenge support
  • Personal Best challenges
  • Staff DPA challenges
  • Girls FA Football in Schools Programme – Secondary leadership
  • Girls FA – Primary School Shooting Stars Programme
  • Change for Life – aimed at engaging least active pupils


  • Disability Specific Events – Providing Inclusive Pathways (Panathlon / School Games / London Youth Games)
  • Step into Sport Inclusion Programme
  • Links to local inclusive providers
  • Disability Forums – community liaison
  • Advise on inclusion within PE lessons or OSHL
  • Inclusive playgrounds advice

Increasing participation within the community

  • Co-ordination of local sports club, National Governing Body and London Sport initiatives to be delivered in schools
  • Development of Club Links within schools and events
  • Support & advertisement of community programmes
  • Community Newsletter to be sent to parents/guardians
  • Development of targeted community clubs including Girls FA Wildcat centres.

We offer our member schools a wide variety of services. We also allow non member schools the opportunity to access National School Games opportunities that sit within the BPSS offer. Schools can access School Games events by contacting the BPSS team directly.

Terms & Agreement

This agreement is for 1 academic year. Subscription will be invoiced by BPSS, hosted by QE Girls’ School. This is to be paid within 28 days of receipt.

GDPR: BPSS has a data protection policy compliant with GDPR under its host Queen Elizabeth’s Girls’ School.

Health & Safety at events:

It is agreed that the school will provide a qualified first aider and first aid equipment at each event, festival, trip or competition they attend through BPSS. All students that attend our events must be appropriately dressed and have received adequate training to perform the sport or festival.

The School is expected to meet their school’s policy on visits and excursions and have the responsibility for first aid for their pupils. Liability of any damage caused to facilities or equipment at any BPSS event sits with the school or students responsible. No liability can sit with BPSS.

Safeguarding: Please read our safeguarding policy in line with all of the work delivered under BPSS here

By completing the survey and clicking ‘agree’ you are bound to this Service Level Agreement for one academic year.

Contact Jo Eames, Strategic Manager on

Please keep a copy for your records